Sunday, February 12, 2012

Getting the portfolio together...

I'll be using this blog to chronicle my process of getting my professional portfolio looking a little more...professional. I'll be giving a polish pass to some old creatures that I did for Fallen Earth, as well as finishing some stuff I started far too long ago. I'll also throw up any random piece I do if I like it enough. This is mostly for me, of course, since I'm likely to be one of the very few people who comes here. But comments and critiques are always welcome from visitors.

First up is a bust I did of David Boreanz. I need to work on my likenesses, and since the wife and I are watching Bones, he seemed like a natural candidate. I'm pretty happy with it. I'll still tighten it up a touch (the hair especially), but I'm happy with the likeness.

I've also done quite a bit of work on Vic. Again, I'm pretty happy with the likeness. I hope to finish the sculpt tomorrow.

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